Posts tagged Hastings
Photographing LURY Restaurant

Photos by Georgina Cook of LURY restaurant, a new restaurant for Hastings, from chef Jack Lury.

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Photos from a TUFT ARTS cave performance

TUFT Arts are a relatively new multidisciplinary performance collective, comprised of experienced performers, artists and producers like Ellie Westbrook and Charlotte Tingley. Their most recent performance was at St Clements Caves in Hastings, where they illuminated the dark, historic space with well considered lighting and stunning vocals. It was really quite special.

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Photos of Magick Hastings Film Premiere

When writer, broadcaster and fellow Hastings resident Michael Smith told me a few months ago about visiting St Clements caves, underneath the West Hill, it was quite a story. He’d visited the caves as part of a feature for the brilliant independent magazine Get Hastings. Fast forward a few months later and he and Beth King (the editor of the magazine) had come up with a whole 45 minute film inspired by the caves, but which delved further into the wider “esoteric underbelly” of the town.

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Photos from XMTR x Sono Electro

Thanks to XMTR, for inviting me to photograph one of their curated days at Sono Electro, a sound and audio festival in St Leonards on Sea. I enjoyed the diversity of performances and stories and as ever, it was great to be involved in such a brilliant event in my local community.

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Photos from Hastings Strike Action

Here is a selection of photographs from Strike Action in Hastings on Feb 1st. Hundreds of striking teaching staff, cleaning staff, DWP & NHS workers and more came out joined the rally from Hastings Pier to the Observer Building, to ask for better pay and conditions.

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Alabaster dePlume at Marina Fountain, St Leonards

Such a pleasure to experience and photograph the absolute joy that is Alabaster dePlume aka Gus Fairbairn in a little pub in the town I live in. Alabaster’s music is uplifting, funny, spiritual and healing, yet not at all devoid of edge. Songs like Be Nice To people and Don’t Forget You’re Precious, are like mini manifestos. It’s kinda like the 60’s hippy scene mashed up with punk and jazz. It’s stunning. Apparently he mixes up the musicians that he plays with, which I think leads to a freshness and newness among all of the players on stage - like they’re all just experiencing Alabaster dePlume for the first time too. I liked the way he acknowledged that the crowd make the experience as much as he and the musicians do. It certainly felt like the whole room was in it together. Thanks for the after-gig portrait Gus.

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Bottle Alley

It was being in and around one spot watching people of all ages walking and running past me, or sitting on near by benches that I enjoyed the most; a group of young people sitting chatting about COVID, a toddler attempting to join their conversation, before being swooped up by their mum, an older man taking photos on his phone, kids being kids and of course the obligatory dogs and seagulls that are just as much part of the community as the humans.

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Hastings Rally For Refugees

On December 11th, the Hastings community came together to show solidarity with refugees, migrants and asylum seekers. Hastings is a coastal town overlooking The Channel - the treacherous bit of sea that many people cross or attempt to cross, often in small dinghy’s. It’s an issue that is often in the news, due to the tragic deaths of many people as they try to cross the channel, but also due to the attitude of the UK government towards these crossings, and towards migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in general. I went to the rally to show my support, but also to document some of the MANY people in the town, that are also in solidarity with refugees. The message is clear, Hastings supports refugees!

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New Series, FOR THE TIME BEING (Lockdown Diaries).

FOR THE TIME BEING is a series of images taken throughout the various lockdowns we’ve had here in Hasting, some of which you might have seen on my Insta or in a previous blog post. Hopefully the series gives you a sense of the stillness and sometimes emptiness of this peculiar time, plus the new kind of intimacy with home and locale that so many of us had.

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Hastings Lockdown Diary- a daily photo diary

Lockdown 2.0 started for the South East of England (including Hastings) last week.

While I took quite a few photos from the last lockdown and even got featured on the brilliant Shutterhub, this time I’m aiming for greater discipline and consistency.

So I’ve set myself a challenge to take & post at least one photo per day from my camera (not my phone) throughout Lockdown 2.0.

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Hastings is good to me. 2 years in and I have an exhibition launching with Vanessa Farinha this Sunday at Cake Room Hastings as part of the indomitable Coastal Currents festival!

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Photos of Hastings Jack In The Green 2019

Here, Jack In The Green, Hastings annual celebration of the coming of summer, sits next to the crowning of the May Queen as apparently the two are related. It’s a busy time of year for the Morris Dancers of Hastings, as well as the various community groups and societies in the area. It’s all nature and community and community and nature, generally framed and buffered with a whole lot of music, dancing and merriment - making it feel all that more normal and familiar for a girl that grew up with the dancing, merriment, music and community of events like Notting Hill Carnival.

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