TUFT Arts are a relatively new multidisciplinary performance collective, comprised of experienced performers, artists and producers like Ellie Westbrook and Charlotte Tingley. Their most recent performance was at St Clements Caves in Hastings, where they illuminated the dark, historic space with well considered lighting and stunning vocals. It was really quite special.
Read MoreOn the back of my Shit Show project and exhibition, I was invited to join this collective of inspiring artist-mothers, many of whose work I already loved and appreciated.
I am showing two of my self-portraits from Shit Show - "Colander Head" and "Tunnock's Tea Tits (after Sarah Lucas)", both 2024. Both are a comment on the absurdity and chaos of early motherhood.
Friendships are formed on the dance floor. In smoky rooms with sticky floors, in pub toilets with stickers covering the stall doors, we carve out our own sense of belonging. We operate new frequencies, climb up lampposts and flyer city streets to shout that we are here and we will find each other.
Read MoreIn August I launched Vision of Sound, a fortnightly podcast series in which I chat to other artists and creative people that make work about or inspired by music.
Guests include Jeremy Deller, Wumzum & George Nindi, Emma Warren and Lil Ye’s Ali Graham.
You might notice that while I am a music photographer, there are no music photographer’s mentioned, but do keep an eye on the next episode as they are on their way!
It had been a while since I had a consistent medium to channel my love for and interest in other artists and creative people- whom I’ve championed in various ways throughout my life via zines, or blogs or events. As a fan of podcasts and radio shows like Stance, Creative Rebels, London Scenery and George The Poet, audio seemed like the obvious way to do it.
Read MoreIt’s great to back (safely) documenting & photographing people and projects again, following peak lock-down.
Last week I went safely to Bristol (truly one of my favourite city’s) with two of my favourite people & long time collaborators- singer-performer-writer Breezy Lee & poet-MC Sgt.Pokes, plus the multi-talented Alex Rigg of Ocean All Over.
Hastings is good to me. 2 years in and I have an exhibition launching with Vanessa Farinha this Sunday at Cake Room Hastings as part of the indomitable Coastal Currents festival!
Read MoreWhether a secret & sweaty new jazz night (where phones & camera’s on the dance floor are frowned upon) or the High Art of The White Cube; London’s art often remind me that there is so much power in expression; not least the work of the YBA’s such as Tracey Emin, which I’ve sort of grown up with.
Read MoreBorder Control, or The Thin Layer Between Worlds.
There is no such thing as a weed.
Here's a moment from the Who Want's A Rewind? installation at Tate Modern last week (Jan 26th). A moment when I looked up to see lots of people dancing in a dark room to amazing music playing on a solid PA.
Read MoreA taster of what to expect from my immersive early Dubstep retrospective at TATE MODERN this Friday - JANUARY 26th. 6-10pm. It's free entry!
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