Hastings Lockdown Diary- a daily photo diary
Lockdown 2.0 Day 1- Deserted soft drink by Georgina Cook
Lockdown 2.0 started for the South East of England (including Hastings) last week.
While I took quite a few photos from the last lockdown and even got featured on the brilliant Shutterhub, this time I’m aiming for greater discipline and consistency.
So I’ve set myself a challenge to take & post at least one photo per day from my camera (not my phone) throughout Lockdown 2.0.
It’s a way to get to know my new Sony Alpha camera (not an ad!), but also by the end of the lockdown, to have a series about a specific time in history that can be printed or exhibited.
I’m increasingly interested in how what we choose to focus our camera on says something about the photographer and their inner world; or, conversely, the significance of what is left out of the frame.
Lockdown 2.0 Day 2- Sun & Sea-Salty Windows.
By Georgina Cook
The wider context of producing pictures throughout a pandemic, the lockdown itself and most recently, the end of Trump’s presidency are also factors.
Lockdown 2.0 Day 2 Part 2. Daytime to Blue Hour, St Leonards. Series by Georgina Cook.
As I write this, it’s Day 4 & I’m already finding that forcing myself to make the effort to take at least one picture a day with my ‘big camera,’ means grasping picture opportunities that I might have otherwise dismissed.
For example, despite my 20 years of working experience as a photographer, I still find it a challenge to approach people for portraits, especially people I don’t know. I’m not particularly extroverted and as much as I love the medium of photography, pointing a lens at someone still feels intrusive.
But now, I am making a point of asking for a portrait because I know it might be the best opportunity I get for a photo that day. Hence we have below a photo of Andy from Discount Carpets in Hastings.
Lockdown 2.0 Day 3 - Ian’s Birthday.
Also, I’m finding that I’m often taking more than one shot - almost like mini-series’ that say something about that particular day.
Mostly, it’s just really good discipline and the limitations of lockdown (e.g seeing less people and places and being mostly in one location) is actually very welcome in terms of producing a project. It’ll be interesting to see how it turns out.
Lockdown 2.0 Day 4 - Matt & Jen’s garden and Ian’s studio.
If you’d like to join in the challenge yourself, please add the hashtag #hastingslockdown if you’re in the Hastings area, and if not, then #lockdownilluminated works. I like to think that as photography means “to write with light” that images created at this time have the potential to be little glimpses of light and hope for anyone that may feel a bit sad during the lockdown.