Posts tagged street photography
Portraits of musician Alan Mahon-Bouquet

I was just looking through my archive for photos taken in Spring and came across this shoot I did with musician Alan Mahon-Bouquet for his album One Man On The Line, released in 2023.

We took photos in and around Barkingside, an area of London that I’d never been to before. Part of our mission involved visiting Jakes Burgers, a legendary fast food spot. I also took a couple of photos of other people out on the street. Alan chose a photo of him peering over a railway bridge for the cover of his release.

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Bottle Alley

It was being in and around one spot watching people of all ages walking and running past me, or sitting on near by benches that I enjoyed the most; a group of young people sitting chatting about COVID, a toddler attempting to join their conversation, before being swooped up by their mum, an older man taking photos on his phone, kids being kids and of course the obligatory dogs and seagulls that are just as much part of the community as the humans.

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Hastings Lockdown Diary- a daily photo diary

Lockdown 2.0 started for the South East of England (including Hastings) last week.

While I took quite a few photos from the last lockdown and even got featured on the brilliant Shutterhub, this time I’m aiming for greater discipline and consistency.

So I’ve set myself a challenge to take & post at least one photo per day from my camera (not my phone) throughout Lockdown 2.0.

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Barbican dream.

I went to the Barbican Centre when I was a child, I’m sure of it, despite any evidence. I dreamt about it ever since - a dark staircase, labyrinthian balconies, golden faces, weird light.

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Hastings Portraits (new)

It's quite a thing stopping people in the street or anywhere else in public and asking them for a portrait. I'm really only just learning to do it. It's completely different to asking people at events if they would like their portrait taken - generally people are used to seeing photographers at events and much of the time, welcome it. I decided to bite the bullet and start taking portraits of people in Hastings & St Leonard's, where I have lived since last year.

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